
Category: What to pack

First Aid Kits & what they should contain

When trekking in Remote area's you should always be mindful of what items you may require to treat any aliments that may occur as if you are on the Kokoda trail or Kilimanjaro you will not be able to purchase any such items. Everest Base Camp treks (and Nepal lodge trekking in general) you can [...]
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Items you should carry in your day pack

This video details the items you should carry in your day pack as overloading your self will bring excess strain on yourself. Packing and sorting your gear will always be a personal preference however there are many such items you should carry that will be required throughout the day and avoid constantly digging through your [...]
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How to load your backpack for trekking the Kokoda trail, Mt Kilimanjaro and more

You could be trekking along the trails of Nepal on your way to Everest Base Camp or sliding down the mountains of the Kokoda trail or even standing at the summit of Kilimanjaro you will need to know how to load your back pack to ensure a safe and stable load is attached to your [...]
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Cold climate trek gear for Everest Base Camp and MT Kilimanjaro explained

This video will walk you through the items you require to trek in cold climates at altitude. Simply using ski field clothing will not suffice and will be very uncomfortable whilst trekking, you will require items to keep you warm and safe. Being cold at altitude can lead to altitude sickness such as AMS, HACE [...]
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